The 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business

The 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business 

The 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business was held by Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta and supported by the Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM). It was held on December 11th-12th, 2021 in two formats:

Online conference on December 11th, 2021:

Research gathering on December 12th, 2021:

The conference carried out "Expose Modern Trends in Economic, Business and Accounting Toward the Economy Development of Asia Pacific Region” theme. 

We are very grateful for the supporters involved, both from home and abroad, and this will increase our enthusiasm to develop ourselves and be better in the future. 

Are you interested in involving your university and get the acknowledgement that your university is part of this kind of conference? We are open for Co-host for our next conference in 2022.

Interested? Contact us! 




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