
Showing posts from 2020

Program Magang AIBPM dan JNE Kawi Malang

AIBPM bekerjasama dengan JNE Kawi mengadakan program magang di tahun 2019-2020 dengan SMK 4 Malang. Dalam program ini, para siswa SMKN 4 Malang jurusan Grafika, Logistik dan Administrasi Perkantoran mengerjakan tugas sebagai berikut: Email Managing (Check and Reply), Journal Entries, Packaging, Package Entry, Stock Opname, Administration, dan Daily Reporting di AIBPM dan JNE Kawi. Diharapkan kedepannya, para siswa dapat mengambil manfaat sebanyak-banyaknya dari program magang ini dan siap menghadapi dunia kerja ketika lulus nanti serta mempunyai kualitas yang unggul dan dapat dipertimbangkan untuk bekerja pada perusahaan yang terpercaya. Setiap siswa yang menyelesaikan program magang akan mendapatkan sertifikat dan sudah tentu ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka untuk menghadapi persaingan ketat di dunia kerja nyata. Selamat bagi para siswa yang telah menyelesaikan program magang di AIBPM dan JNE Kawi, semoga ilmu yang didapatkan dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik.

AIBPM has Published Articles to International Journal - IJABIM

By the end of 2020, Association of International Business and Professional Management has published 10 papers in International Journal (International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM) Vol 5, No 3 on December, 2020.  Please cite the papers if they are relevant to your studies.  1. Bagas Dwi Pratomo, Zainal Arifin. (2020). The Effect of School Principal’s Servant Leadership of Vocational Schools in Temanggung Regency, 1-12. 2. Yeni Risdayanti, Christine Winstinindah Sandroto. (2020). The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Gender on the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Intention to Leave in PT X: A Moderated Mediation Analysis, 13-22. 3. Jenny N. Kaligis. (2020). Lifestyle and Consumers’ Choice of Laundry Services in Manado City: An Empirical Study, 23-29. 4.

AIBPM organized the International Virtual Conference

We were back with this prestigious event “The 2020 Malang Virtual International Conference of Project Management (ICPM)” The 2020 Malang ICPM is organized by Association of International Business & Professional Management (AIBPM) and co-hosted by Universitas Negeri Malang, STIE Malangkucecwara and Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. It was conducted virtually on December 12th, 2020. The conference carried out "Advancing the Thinking of Business Policy and Practice in 4.0 Industry Era” theme. We are very grateful for the supporters involved, both from home and abroad, and this will increase our enthusiasm to develop ourselves and be better in the future. Are you interested in involving your university and get the acknowledgement that your university is part of this kind of conference? We are open for Co-host for our next conference in 2021. Interested? Contact us!, View full version video on our YouTube Channel  AIBPM TALK SERIES  ht

AIBPM has Published Articles to International Journal - APJME

Towards the end of 2020, Association of International Business and Professional Management has published 10 papers in International Journal (Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education-APJME) Vol 3, No 3 on November, 2020.  Please cite the papers if they are relevant to your studies.  1. Tita Nurmalinasari Hidayat, Sapriya. (2020). Study of Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa Value in Civic Education Through the Culture of Banceuy Indigenious Peoples, 1-10.  2. Prince Charles Heston Runtunuwu, Aisah Tussabaha. (2020). Performance of Legislative Budgeting Institutions on Government Institutions in North Maluku, 11-19. 3. Fenny N. Pusung, Donal Matheos Ratu, Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty. (2020). Improving Speaking Ability through Student Role Playing Methods Class B Kindergarten Irene Tondano, 20-24. 4. Fientje Malin

AIBPM will organize the Virtual International Conference on 12nd December, 2020 as a Year Closing Event

As we all know, this pandemic period is not over. But we never stop trying to provides a platform for researchers to present their research results virtually. We initiate to collaborate and invite researchers to share the knowledge and expertise. Therefore, AIBPM is holding another prestigious virtual event, the 2020 Malang ICPM which is supported by many well-known universities both from within the country and abroad. The conference carries out "Advancing the Thinking of Business Policy and Practice in 4.0 Industry Era” theme. The selected papers will go to Scopus Publication with Additional Cost. Contact us for more details about this conference on: email:, Office Phone: +62 341 366222, WhatsApp & Phone: +62895413297376 (Ira), WhatsApp: +62 896-8679-1980 (Etty)

AIBPM conducted 6 series of webinars in 2020

 Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM) again has made a series of webinar within this year 2020. The covid-19 made AIBPM events cannot be held however the AIBPM using the internet facilities and ZOOM for conducting series of webinar. Around 4000 participants from universities, association, government was joined this events. 6 webinars has been conducted with keynote speakers from many countries such as India, USA, Malaysia, Philipine, Kuwait, Indonesia etc has joined. For more detail information can be accessed in

AIBPM Published An Article to Utopia Journal (Scopus Q2)

AIBPM Published An Article to Utopia Journal (Scopus Q2) In the middle of 2020, Association of International Business and Professional Management once again has successfully published an article to Utopia Journal which indexed in Scopus Q2. The article was collaboration between Satia Nur Maharani (State University of Malang), Sihhabudin (State University of Malang), Setya Ayu Rahmawati (State University of Malang), and Liem Gai Sin (University of Ma Chung). The article's title was " Reconstruction of Islamic Banking Performance Measurement Models: A Critical Thought ". After passing through review process, Utopia found the paper is interesting and deserves a publication to Utopia Journal so they choose this paper to be published in Scopus Q2 indexed Journal. The article was published on May 15 2020. the paper can be accessed here: On behalf of Association of International Busin

Internship Program in AIBPM

Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM)  is an international, interdisciplinary organization committed to advancing international business, business communication research, education, training and professional management practice. The AIBPM seeks to become the association in the field of business and management by promoting excellence in teaching, increasing knowledge within the discipline, encourage of international business classes to better prepare students, and improving the quality of professionalism in the workplace. To reach all the purposes, we plan to incorporate many technologies for enhanced communication and provision of the services they most need. AIBPM has various programs that related to business and management & education, the programs are: -International Conference -Seminar -Training -Business Forum -International Journals Publication -Nusantara Project; and -Internship Since 2019, AIBPM has cooperated

AIBPM's Visit to The Sages Institute, International

Last February, AIBPM made a visit to The Sages Institute, International, in Surabaya. The purpose of the visit was to socialize the AIBPM's Worldwide Hospitality Internship Program. AIBPM has collaborated with many International Institute and Culinary School regarding to the internship program, including The Sages Institute, International, Surabaya. In the collaboration, AIBPM had helped the students of the International Institute to many 4-5 starred hotels in France, USA, Australia, Thailand, China and many other countries. You may get the information regarding the internship here:

President of AIBPM meets Mayor of Malang City

on Friday, March 13th 2020, the President of AIBPM, Liem Gai Sin, Ph.D meets the Mayor of Malang City, Drs. H. Sutiaji. The meeting points at special invitation to Drs. H. Sutiaji to attend and open the ceremony of 2020 Malang International Conference of Project Management (ICPM) that will be held this August. Drs. H. Sutiaji agrees to attend and open the Internation Conference of Project Management (ICPM) and he felt thrilled there will be an International Conference in Malang city for this event will bring many benefits to many people. At that moment, President of AIBPM also met the Vice Dean of Faculty of Economy, Malang State University Dr. Puji Handayati, S.E, M.M, Ak., CA., C.MA as Malang State University will be the main co-host of 2020 Malang ICPM

AIBPM as Co-Host of International Conference in India

Closing the end of 2019, AIBPM became an important part of the implementation of the 2019 ICOBMIT - International Conference on Business, Management and Information Technology organized by the Prestige Institute of Management in Gwalior, India. The conference was held on 28-30 December 2019, and AIBPM took an important role by co-hosting the event. Director of the Prestige Institute of Management, Dr. S. S. Bhaskar explained that with this conference, the Prestige Institute of Management will again add milestones for Educators, industry experts, and for Researchers. Through this international conference, professors related to educational institutions will gain knowledge about new facts related to various types of social, management, and research. And they will get the chance to present the results of their research.

AIBPM Menjadi Co-Host Konferensi Internasional di India

Menutup akhir tahun 2019, AIBPM menjadi bagian penting atas terselenggaranya 2019 ICOBMIT - International Conference on Business, Management and Information technology yang diselenggarakan oleh Prestige Institute of Management di Gwalior, India. Konferensi tersebut diselenggarakan pada tanggal 28-30 Desember 2019, dan AIBPM mengambil peran penting dengan menjadi co-host di acara tersebut. Direktur Prestige Institute of Management, Dr. S. S. Bhaskar menjelaskan bahwa dengan k onferensi ini, Prestise Institute of Management kembali akan menambah tonggak bagi Pendidik, pakar industri, dan bagi Peneliti. Melalui konferensi internasional ini, para profesor yang terkait dengan lembaga pendidikan akan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang fakta-fakta baru yang terkait dengan berbagai jenis sosial, manajemen, dan penelitian. Dan mereka akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mempresentasikan hasil penelitian mereka. Kedua institusi berharap, kerjasama antar kedua institusi dapat berjalan secara

AIBPM has Published Papers in Scopus Journal

As the year of 2019 has ended,  Association of International Business and Professional Management has published 20 papers in Scopus Journal (International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change – IJICC) Q-3 Vol 9 Issue 5 and Vol 9 Issue 6. The published papers were from the conference that AIBPM held in Bali on April 5-6 2019. The wait of the authors is finally over. Please cite the papers if they are relevant to your studies. 1. Saifuddin Yunusa*, Suadi Zainalb, Fadli Jalilc.. (2020). Cooperation among Farming Stakeholders in Farmers Poverty Reduction in Aceh, 177-186.…/vol9iss5/9514_Yunus_2019_E_R.pdf 2. A A Gde Satia Utamaa*, Rafli Farid Basamalahb. (2020). Cash Fund Management Information System: Case Study at Al Irsyad Mosque Surabaya, 187-197.…/vol9iss5/9515_Utama_2019_E_R.pdf 3. A.A. Gde Satia Utamaa*, Deddy Kurniawansyahb, Panji Kusuma Prasetyantoc, Pending Puji Dwi Astutid, Yashinta Setyowatie, Romzi K