
Showing posts from January, 2020

AIBPM as Co-Host of International Conference in India

Closing the end of 2019, AIBPM became an important part of the implementation of the 2019 ICOBMIT - International Conference on Business, Management and Information Technology organized by the Prestige Institute of Management in Gwalior, India. The conference was held on 28-30 December 2019, and AIBPM took an important role by co-hosting the event. Director of the Prestige Institute of Management, Dr. S. S. Bhaskar explained that with this conference, the Prestige Institute of Management will again add milestones for Educators, industry experts, and for Researchers. Through this international conference, professors related to educational institutions will gain knowledge about new facts related to various types of social, management, and research. And they will get the chance to present the results of their research.

AIBPM Menjadi Co-Host Konferensi Internasional di India

Menutup akhir tahun 2019, AIBPM menjadi bagian penting atas terselenggaranya 2019 ICOBMIT - International Conference on Business, Management and Information technology yang diselenggarakan oleh Prestige Institute of Management di Gwalior, India. Konferensi tersebut diselenggarakan pada tanggal 28-30 Desember 2019, dan AIBPM mengambil peran penting dengan menjadi co-host di acara tersebut. Direktur Prestige Institute of Management, Dr. S. S. Bhaskar menjelaskan bahwa dengan k onferensi ini, Prestise Institute of Management kembali akan menambah tonggak bagi Pendidik, pakar industri, dan bagi Peneliti. Melalui konferensi internasional ini, para profesor yang terkait dengan lembaga pendidikan akan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang fakta-fakta baru yang terkait dengan berbagai jenis sosial, manajemen, dan penelitian. Dan mereka akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mempresentasikan hasil penelitian mereka. Kedua institusi berharap, kerjasama antar kedua institusi dapat berjalan secara...

AIBPM has Published Papers in Scopus Journal

As the year of 2019 has ended,  Association of International Business and Professional Management has published 20 papers in Scopus Journal (International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change – IJICC) Q-3 Vol 9 Issue 5 and Vol 9 Issue 6. The published papers were from the conference that AIBPM held in Bali on April 5-6 2019. The wait of the authors is finally over. Please cite the papers if they are relevant to your studies. 1. Saifuddin Yunusa*, Suadi Zainalb, Fadli Jalilc.. (2020). Cooperation among Farming Stakeholders in Farmers Poverty Reduction in Aceh, 177-186.…/vol9iss5/9514_Yunus_2019_E_R.pdf 2. A A Gde Satia Utamaa*, Rafli Farid Basamalahb. (2020). Cash Fund Management Information System: Case Study at Al Irsyad Mosque Surabaya, 187-197.…/vol9iss5/9515_Utama_2019_E_R.pdf 3. A.A. Gde Satia Utamaa*, Deddy Kurniawansyahb, Panji Kusuma Prasetyantoc, Pending Puji Dwi Astutid, Yashinta Setyowatie, Rom...