
AIBPM’s Accepted Articles for the Scopus Indexed Journal Publication

  The Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM) always tries to bridge the lecturers and researchers to publish their articles in credible journals, and recently, the AIBPM has succeeded to make these four papers accepted for the publication in a Scopus indexed journal: 1. Business Performance and Implementation of Total Quality Management: A Case Study in Indonesia. Sri Dewi Anggadini, Surtikanti Surtikanti, Asep Saepudin, Dean Subhan Saleh. Volume 8 Issue 5, May 30, 2021. 2. The Effect of E-Commerce Capabilities on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study in Indonesia. Ivan Triyogo Priambodo, Sasmoko Sasmoko, Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, Agustinus Bandur. Volume 8 Issue 6, June 30, 2021. 3. Determinants of Dividend Policy: An Empirical Study of Consumer Goods Firms in Indonesia. Chandra Setiawan, Vivien Vivien. Volume 8 Issue 6, June 30, 2021. 4. Customer Perception of E-Service Quality: An Empirical Study in Indonesia. Muhammad Asril Arilaha, Johan Fahr...

A New Article Has Been Published in Society Journal (Sinta 2 indexed)

  The AIBPM has published an article in Society journal - a Sinta 2 indexed journal. Please cite the paper if it is relevant to your studies: Jerry Rommy Herter Wuisang, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Jenny Nancy Kaligis. (2020). The Relationship between Leadership and Employees’ Work Motivation in Regional Secretariat Office of Minahasa Regency | Society DOI: Congratulations to the authors! The article has been published with the URL and DOI listed above. Articles will be indexed by Google Scholar within the next 4-5 days. In addition, articles are readily available in the DOAJ database, to be accessed by more than 160 libraries worldwide. We estimate that in the next 1-2 weeks, the articles will be recorded on the Sinta portal and are categorized as accredited journal articles for Sinta 2 (S2). If you want to disseminate journal publications through social media, please inclu...

Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Publication

  We are committed to always providing a forum for lecturers / researchers to facilitate their research articles publication in trusted journals. AIBPM has published an article entitled  "Self-Correction in Writing Skill (A Paragraph)"  by  Fergina Lengkoan   in the Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature, Vol. 20 No. 2 (Sinta 2 indexed journal). Please cite the paper if it is relevant to your studies: Fergina Lengkoan . (2020).  Self-Correction in Writing Skill (A Paragraph) . Congratulations to the author!

AIBPM’s Accepted Articles for The Sinta 2 Indexed Journal and Scopus Indexed Journal Publication

The Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM) always tries to bridge the lecturers and researchers to publish their articles in credible journals, and recently, the AIBPM has succeeded to make these papers accepted for the publication in some journals.  Society Journal Vol. 9 No. 1, 2021 (Sinta 2): 1. Benedictus Kristo Wijayanto, Asri Laksmi Riani. The Influence of Work Competency and Motivation on Employee Performance 2. Irfandi Buamonabot, Muhammad Asril Arilaha, Johan Fahri. Selection Satisfaction and Attributes of Higher Education Institutions: Mediation of Information Satisfaction 3. Sherry Hadiyani, Abdhy Aulia Adnans, Ferry Novliadi, Fahmi Ananda. The Influence of Prophetic Leadership and Job Satisfaction toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Employees of Prof. DR. H. Kadirun Yahya Foundation in Medan” 4. Hartati Hardady, Muhsin N. Bailusy, Rheza Pratama, Johan Fahri. Defining Financial Management Within Sakeenah Family 5...

AIBPM has published article in the Society Journal - Sinta 2 indexed

We are committed to always providing a forum for lecturers / researchers to facilitate their research articles publication in trusted journals. And, by the end of December 2020, AIBPM published an article entitled "Managerial Performance at Universitas Negeri Manado in Terms of Internal Control System Implementation and Organizational Commitment" by Cecilia Lelly Kewo   in the Society journal Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020), Sinta 2 indexed. Please cite the paper if it is relevant to your studies: Cecilia Lelly Kewo . (2020).  Managerial Performance at Universitas Negeri Manado in Terms of Internal Control System Implementation and Organizational Commitment . Congratulation to the author.

AIBPM bekerjasama dengan OCBC NISP mengadakan acara Kumpul Online

Temukan solusi dan tips bagaimana tetap produktif walau #DIRUMAHAJA dengan bergabung di acara kami dengan tema : ATUR KEUANGAN DARI GENGGAMAN 🗓Kamis, 28 Januari 2021 ⏰Pukul: 14.00 WIB – Selesai  📌Cukup klik tautan Microsoft Teams berikut: Dan ikuti obrolannya hingga akhir acara.   *Notes : 1. Mohon untuk unduh dan install Microsoft Teams  melalui AppStore/PlayStore 2. Tidak perlu Sign In atau Membuat Akun *Mohon mengisi pendaftaran online di link berikut :   dan HARAP MENGISI REFERENSI: AIBPM (UNTUK MENDAPATKAN SERTIFIKAT)   #StaySafe #StayHealhty #DiRumahSaja #TAYTB

AIBPM is now the official partner of the Society journal, Sinta 2 indexed

  AIBPM is now collaborating with Society journals, and being the official partner of that journal that is  Sinta 2 indexed. Society, with registered number ISSN 2338-6932 (Print) and ISSN 2597-4874 (Online), is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal, published two times a year (June and December) by the Social Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Bangka Belitung. Society is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on various topics include, but not limited to, Sociology, Policy and Administration, Political Science, Anthropology, Demography, Human Geography, Social Work, Criminology, and other studies in human society. And now, papers can be sent directly via email